The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120192   Message #2613300
Posted By: bubblyrat
17-Apr-09 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Strange occupations
Subject: RE: BS: Strange occupations
In the Royal Navy,you could be many strange things.You could be a Fresh Water Tanky,or a Salt Water Tanky.You might like to be a Jossman's Runner, or being an Outside Wrecker might have some appeal.Officers might become Jimmy The One (a ship's First Lieutenant) ,or Little F ( Lt/Cmdr, Flying) or,indeed, Big F ( Commander, Flying).If you were a NAAFI rating ( No Ambition And Fuck-all Interest), you might well be appointed Captain Of The Heads,especially if you were a Big OD,or a 3-badge FA.But nothing could be worse than joining the Air Force and becoming a Rock Ape !!