The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120192   Message #2613314
Posted By: Jim Dixon
17-Apr-09 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Strange occupations
Subject: RE: BS: Strange occupations
I've written about this before, but--

I once knew a woman who worked for a medical school as a "gynecology model." She was the person on whom the medical students practiced doing gynecological exams before they were allowed to touch real patients.

She was also supposed to give the students feedback on their "bedside manner." She said male students in particular tended to be over-cautious, and she frequently had to tell them it was OK to be less gentle and tentative in the way they touched her.

I have since learned that medical schools hire a whole array of such people, and many of them are trained actors who are called upon to fake certain symptoms such as pain or emotional distress. (My friend wasn't one of those.)

It was a part-time job, of course.