The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120173   Message #2613321
Posted By: frogprince
17-Apr-09 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: A Most Heartwarming Performance-Susan Boyle
Subject: RE: A Most Heartwarming Performance-Susan Boyle
I once worked for 6 years for a guy who had no tolerance for any music except opera. He was an uncouth, racist lout whose idea of humor was to recite an old poem called "The shithouse poet" over and over. But he considered himself qualified to judge what music was fit for anyone to listen to. His son, a much heathier person, put on a weekday broadcast of the WFMT Midnight Special one day (in 1982). Tom Paxton's "Rambling Boy" came on. The father proclaimed, "That junk won't last two years." I didn't waste the breath to argue.

I am not implying any similarity to any person here, apart from his ability to determine what music is worth listening to.