The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109001   Message #2613708
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
18-Apr-09 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Read any good books lately?
Subject: RE: BS: Read any good books lately?
Back in January Ruth Archer asked if anyone had read 'Affluenza' by Oliver James. Well, yes, I read it last year (and I've come late to this thread) - and do you know, I can't remember very little about it - except, possibly, that wanting and having a surfeit of things is bad ... ?

The style rather reminded me of those womens' magazines like 'Cosmopolitan' that I occasionally encounter in dentists' waiting rooms: "Jill, a marketing consultant from Weybridge, had so many designer handbags that her arm fell off" - that sort of thing.