The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120173   Message #2614677
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
19-Apr-09 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: A Most Heartwarming Performance-Susan Boyle
Subject: RE: A Most Heartwarming Performance-Susan Boyle
Oh, I should think there are rather more than two men (or possibly also women) who are even now extracting the poster of the Caledonian Karaoke Queen from yesterday's Sun and blue-tacking it to their bedroom walls.

Whether they consider those whose musical aspirations are more elevated and thus somewhat different from the overblown, bombastic, MOR drivel emanating from the pens of C-M Schönberg or A L Webber and others of similar ilk to be "asses" is incalculable and supremely irrelevant.

There are those whose musicality comprises sublimely magnificent works resonating down through the ages and of genuine musics chronicling people's experience and endeavour rooted in some sort of tradition. And then there are those whose musical horizons rise no higher than piles of "asses" shit.

I know which I'd choose to discuss music with, whether on a virtual forum supposedly devoted to aspects of the former or in real life.