The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117552 Message #2614734
Posted By: Celtaddict
19-Apr-09 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
Subject: RE: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
What a great day, and a fun way to spend an afternoon! There was a great wealth of talent and good spirit (not to mention good food) at this event. I never know which pleases me more, getting to see folks I have long enjoyed (including Geoff Kaufman and the Johnson Girls) or 'discovering' folks I had not heard before (Alan Short? and Stu Markus) or new combinations (all afternoon; and Alison Kelley denied that she sings with everyone). The sound was excellent, the variety of performers terrific, the mix of music, new and old, with some rousing tunes tossed in particularly by Barnacle, was highly entertaining. Thank you so much, Rabbi-Sol and Geoff Kaufman for putting this together (and to Cliff and the Ambulance folks for the building). My only suggestion: do this again, and I hope you need a bigger place next time!!