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Thread #115883   Message #2615201
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
20-Apr-09 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
"What was that comment about insanity being to keep trying the same solutions, and expecting different results? Or, again, do you only apply negative criticism to Bush, and only allow positive statements about Obama?"......BB
Ah!..A a question for your 'resident' psychologist(among other things)
Trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, and NOT learning from the symptom of a psychotic. That being said, I don't think Obama is a psychotic....He's just doing what he is told to do, by the same people who told Bush. The PR is different...but the results are the same.
Same with the financial problem. This started long before 'W' fact, it was Clinton's pressuring of the banks to give loans to those who couldn't pay them back, that started this bubble to inflate...BUT WAIT...remember the '.com bubble'...and the 401K know, your 401K was to be invested??...That wasn't to help you for retirement, That was just an earlier attempt to bolster the stock market, that was beginning to fail back then, and needed to be 'funded back up'. We were in serious trouble back then. This problem is not a 'new' problem, starting with Baby Bush...this is a sries of problems, spanning several presidents....who take their marching orders from the same band of international bandits...Obama, just being the latest. This is the same thing I've been saying from the beginning..and now, as the news comes out, it is more than proving me right AGAIN!...But because some of you think I'm a 'right winger' you obliviously dismiss it...and yet, I'm not a 'right winger' at all! IT IS THOSE, WHO ADOPT A SIDE(Right wing or left), WHO END UP BLOCKING THE OTHER HALF OF THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW!...and, because of it, WE become divided, and are being played for fools!!!! Neither side, has their fingers on the pulse, in its entirety! Both have right..both have wrong. This national debate that is being force fed us,(to divide us), is NOT about business, nor politics. IT is about control...and its the same very few, at the top, who hide behind whatever administration that is propped up,(bought and paid for...even threatened)..who are the ones making the policies to benefit themselves...NOT YOU or THE PARTY LINE both sides spout off.

NOW, knowing that....just WHO are the PSYCHOTICS out there????????