The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120306   Message #2615222
Posted By: Bobert
20-Apr-09 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting...
A heavily armed gunman opened fire yesterday at a[n]________________ leaving more than _______ dead and ________ wounded before taking his own life.

Authorities have yet to cite a motive. Armed with a _______________ the gunman, __________________, opened fire on the ___________________ in a rampage that lasted less than ________ minutes. Police report that the shooter fired more than ______ rounds of ammunition and that the gun was ____________ (legally/illegally) owned.

The shooter was described by neigbors as a ______________ man who kept to himself. "__________________________________", one said. One onlooker standing next to an impromptu memorial told reporters, "I can't believe it happened here in ____________".


The above is part of an editorial that appeared in yesterday's Washington Post... It was written by Josh Sugarmann who is the director of the Violence Policy Center...

Isn't it time to have a real discussion about guns without the NRA chasing everyone down who doesn't walk their line...

This is a sad commentray on our society and on just how powerful the NRA has become in *dictating* policy...
