The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120310   Message #2615292
Posted By: AnneMC
20-Apr-09 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: John brown's dance-help needed please
Subject: John brown's dance-help needed please
Have listened to the tune and caught most of the lyrics - need help with bits of it if anyone else knows it, some words are not right or missing :

John Brown's Dance    (Jed Marum)
Charlestown now and it's December morn
The gatherin' crowd neither weep nor mourn
A rousing tune with the fanfare born
As you come to the end of the line

The snares drums rollin' while the piper plays
It's time to pay for your murderous ways
Your treachorous trading in your traitorous days
You've come to the end of the line                        

                Oh John Brown, the sun is pourin' down
                You're gonna see the hangman marchin' through the town
                Feet in the air and the world is spinnin' round
                When you dance on the end of the line   

Shenandoah round your gallows f----
Gentle winds of Virginia blow
Your lifeless body swinging to and fro
Now you've come to the end of the line

The cheers flow for justice and the Lord be praised
For John Brown mouldering' in his grave
The free, the honest and the righteous say
He's come to the end of the line