The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120036   Message #2615958
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
21-Apr-09 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Discmakers Bah Humbug
Subject: RE: Discmakers Bah Humbug

Disc Makers has been very responsive and proactive about getting my order history and artwork to their new site. Everything (at least from the latest CD) is now there, but I have to verify all the tracks to be sure the sound is OK.

One problem is that the old system allowed you to click on the track and listen immediately. The new system requires you to download a wav file of 25 to 40 meg and then listen to it. Of course this means a loooong, tedious process taking a few hours! So I'm slowly making my way through the 16 tracks, not expecting to find any problems but needing to check to be sure.

After the track verification is done I will place an order. Will let you know how it goes as it goes...