The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120306   Message #2615983
Posted By: Bobert
21-Apr-09 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting...
Well, geeze loiuse, who cares if the AK-47s and later built SKSs are automatic or semi automatic??? Either way they can spew out alot of fire power... Greater fire power, BTW, than most police departments have readilly on hand to combat...

The AK-47 (SKS) will shoot as fast as one can pull the trigger... N delay at all If one can pull the trigger, say, twice a second then that's 120 bullets being fired in one minute... One pull per second is 60 bullets...

Where's the sport in firing 120 bullets a minute???

There is none what so ever... These weapons, auto or semi, we designed for one purpose: killing people... They were not designed for sport shooting or hunting... Just killing people... The semi v. auto argument is a red herring and NRA propaganda...

As for the 2nd ammendment??? It's the worst written ammendment in the Bill of Rights because it ties gun ownership to the right to have a militia... The NRA would rather just skip that little inconsistency... And their shill's gloss over that portion of the ammendment as if it doesn't even exist becuase it's inconvient to try to explain what gun ownership has to do with being in a militia...
