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Thread #120306   Message #2616006
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Apr-09 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Bobert, When the Constitution was written, obviously verified in Jefferson's writings, one huge reason to allow the populous to be armed, was to protect themselves from a central government from being to big, and/or, to not allow a tyrannical government from forming, from this newly formed government. I'm sure, after freeing themselves from England's perception of being tyrannical, that this was certainly on their minds....not to allow the one formed, to go back into the one they just left. For that reason, it reads like it does, and was not stupidly written. I think you have to get out of the box that has been sold us, to understand the intentions of the framers. Agreeing with that, one way or the other, is entirely up to the reader and 'interpreter' of the document. Regardless, it was/is the law...just like freedom of speech..etc. for me, don't you get at least a little suspicious of people who break the law, or even try to change it, for their own purposes. I think the controversy, is about trusting the government, and/or why they feel it a whom?..them??..WHY???
It is from that viewpoint, that the arguments get so heated on this issue...neither side willing to see the other's, without a fight. On the gun owner's side, finding out would make it then too late to fix it..on the other side, they feel threatened.
Now, I think I explained that, as impartially as I could. I think it is with understanding, that a fair 'checks and balance' can be found. It would be a great benefit, if we could, as Americans, start seeing SOME administrations, that would be TRUSTWORTHY in the eyes of the electorate, TO EFFECT A LESS THAN FORCEFUL(therefore, bloody) change. ...something the political machine, running BOTH sides have failed to produce.
Regards To All,