The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120306   Message #2616012
Posted By: Bobert
21-Apr-09 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Well, gnu-zer... I usually agree with what you say but Joe's post above is very much a discussion... He looks at both factors in gun deaths: the gun and the gunner... The NRA just looks at the gunner... The folks who want stricter controls look at the gun...

The discussion need look at both or it's not a discussion... It's someone's position paper...

Hey, I am a gun owner... I am a former NRA member... I am a former shoot club member... I like my guns... That's all and well but really has nothing to do with a "discussion"... The NRA doesn't want a discussion... They have made that painfully clear... Those of us who believe that some gun law cahnges are overdue want to have a discussion... The NRA has the money and the power to keep that discussion from happening in places where the NRA might have to compromise... Our side has done all the compromising because we don't own Congressmen...

All we are asking is for a discussion and not to be told that whatever the NRA says is the gospel...
