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Thread #115883   Message #2616416
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Apr-09 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
From: beardedbruce
Date: 22 Apr 09 - 12:20 PM

immaterial to this argument, LH. The point is that Amos will applaud Obama for doing exactly what he criticized Bush for doing.

Now look at this......"From: Amos
Date: 22 Apr 09 - 11:39 AM

"THere are a number of very important differences though; "THere are a number of very important differences though; but to a mind locked into blind association, pointing out such differences would probably be an exercise in futility."
That post is coming for you! Amos????? You are the most blocked numskull in here...You argue points, that may be attempting to be popularized, but are so far from sound, it staggers me! Your posts on Obama, fly in the face of the obvious truths coming out, and yet, you FAIL utterly to rebut any of the FACTS, brought up, by a number of intelligent, well thought out, and articulate posters. The same thing when it comes to the homosexual topic. I can stare at an lemon tree, in front of me, and describe it,..and you're going to tell me its a watermelon! Before I sorta kidded about it, but now I'm very seriously considering that the reason you do this, is because, from all indications, I'm beginning to really think YOU are homosexual, and Obama is your imaginary lover!! You say you took courses in philosophy, but i think you philosophized yourself right out of reality, despite all the evidence of the flagrantly obvious, all around you...and though you try to dig up rhetoric, to show you are so 'well educated'..your emotional fixation leaves you looking pretty damn immature, and illiterate!
I myself have counseled homosexuals, first hand, and I've share some of those things with you as to results, and you pull up bullshit, financed by political agenda driven 'studies', and think that you're going to convince ME, that what I know to be true, isn't, because the bogus study says so. There are news items everyday coming out, as to the fraud, and 'hiding' of the TARP funds, and the shadiness of this administration, lies and deceit, broken promises, and instead of addressing them equitably, you just sit there, sucking your thumb, and picking your nose, NODDING YOUR HEAD, saying 'UHH-UHHH"..and THEN post some unrelated post on how you 'lover in chief', is a great guy!!..Go figure!..Then you post..."THere are a number of very important differences though; but to a mind locked into blind association, pointing out such differences would probably be an exercise in futility."??????? Funny, that should come to your mind...but then, why not?..its where YOU LIVE!..You just proceed to describe yourself, and project it on to the other posters, oblivious to actually EXCHANGING ideas, or learning a damn thing!!!...not only that, you inundate us with 'cut and paste' from the most far left wing nut sources, and think that we are supposed to accept this as truth...instead of what it is...just a far left lunatic pundit. You just don't get it...but then to quote you:...."THere are a number of very important differences though; but to a mind locked into blind association, pointing out such differences would probably be an exercise in futility."
Beardedbruce, and Little Hawk, Akenaton, Rig(sometimes)and yours truly, are dead right on. We CONSIDER things the way they are, politically, and do NOT accept the advertised propaganda releases, without at least comparing them to something FACTUAL, before posting some semi-literate, pretentious, blindly opinionated hogwash, such that you do...and then get 'butt hurt' when someone points out plain and simple obvious truths!
Oh Great Philosopher, ...old adage:...Philosophy triumphs over past and future evils, but temptation triumphs over philosophy!!!!