The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120351   Message #2617285
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
23-Apr-09 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do we really need to see this ?
Subject: RE: BS: Do we really need to see this ?
Why don't we have adverts about responsibility, morals, honour, self-respect, apathy, the damage that crudity has done to our society, and the fact that despite such adverts as these, teenage pregnancy is still on the rise?

Why don't we have adverts on spirituality?

Why don't we have adverts on why we've stopped asking "Why?!"

Why don't we have adverts about how so many people have been dumbed down?

Why don't we have adverts about those who think you should never complain, just turn off the button?

Why don't we have adverts about how stupid, de-sensitised and irresponsible so many of us have become?

WHY don't we have adverts about the terrible damage we are doing to our children in flooding their young minds with information they so often don't want to know about, whilst being made to feel that unless they ARE out there, having it off on every street corner, with every Tom, Dick or Barbara, then queueing up at Tesco's to kill off any remote chance of any responsibility daring to come their way, and killing a new life being started..then they are NOT cool dudes who know how to live life on the modern Conveyor Belt of Life?

And WHY don't we have adverts about how turning away, pretending that our kids are all blissfully happy when they're dying inside, has actually caused adverts like this to be screened in the first place?