The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120351   Message #2617333
Posted By: Eric the Viking
23-Apr-09 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do we really need to see this ?
Subject: RE: BS: Do we really need to see this ?
Once on a cycling holiday I threw myself off my bike at fairly great speed, splitting my helmet, and skin severely in several places. (racing my son....should have known better at my age) However, the only bandages big enough to cover my quite large cuts had wings on !! You ladies are so lucky they don't stick like plasters!! And so was I (Band aid for USA folk..I think) So I probably needed insanity towels

Anyway, that aside, most of the children as young as eleven and twelve and certainly those above thirteen know about the "Morning after" pill. I don't think it abdicates responsible sex any more than condoms being given out in schools as they are now in some places. But we need to reduce teenage pregnancies urgently.

It's true we (the great we)are in serious danger of a de-sensitised adult population following our de-sensitised youth, a bit like Roman times really where anything went.But I worry more that the de-sensitisation concerns violence, lack of social concern and compassion for our fellow humans than the act of sex which is biologically driven and only controlled by "moral" codes of various groups of people or religions.

Regarding adverts on TV, we be far better banning adverts for booze considering the problems we are facing. I find it funny that there may be six million people watching a programme and three complain so the programme in censured or the complaint upheld.