The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23505   Message #261735
Posted By: Clinton Hammond2
20-Jul-00 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: Lord of the Rings. Movie and songs.
Subject: RE: Lord of the Rings. Movie and songs.
Repost... sorry... I missed one little close quote!!! This place really needs an edit or preview button for dough heads like me!!! Is it possible to have a MOD delete that post of mine above??

Take 2!

Check out for the best site for LOTR movie stuff... I've been following it with much dread for alomst 2 years now I think?? But we folk over that the Ringbearer MB can answer most of yer questions, like about accents and 'Digial Shrinkage' effects and such...

No 'hobbits swimming in cold water' jokes please, we've done them to death some time ago...

Near as I remember, the accent thing was aiming for nutrality rather than having american actors trying to affect english/or where-ever accents... which I think is a great move! IF the actors have a good voice, let them speak in it, whatever their accent... that avoids Kevin Cosner Robin Hood type fiascos!

Personal Opinion: I'm not sold on the idea of a live action LOtR movie... Petyer Jackson is not the best director for a project like this.. most of his movies so far have been on the low end of fair to medium... And well, CGI tech isn't really good enough yet to be up to the challenge... (CGI stands for 'Crappy Graphics I'nit' BTW) The casting is for the most part very solid... Sir Ian, coming from Magneto in X-Men is gonna be the PERECT Gandlaf... I've decided to class myself as a 'hopeful pessimist' with regards these movies...

On the JRR music front... I can't believe anyone likes that Donald Swan Album... I'm in the process of MP3ing some of it up for posting on the Ringbearer site so the other fans there can see just how terrible a sence of music JRR actually had... He liked it, and put his 'stamp of apporval' on the album, but I'll be bugger'd if I can figure out why... It's terrible... I've worked very hard to block out the memory of that stuff on the off chance I can ever forget enough of LOTR to enjoy reading it agin...

And well, I'm ticked cause Tom Bombadil, my personal favorite character, isn't gonna be in the move at all... But I can also understand why he's been cut...

"You can't always get what you waaa-a-annt
But it ya try sometimes, Ya get what ya nee-eed!"


Did it work???