The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4741   Message #26177
Posted By: Bruce O.
21-Apr-98 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: American Cultural oddities
Subject: RE: American Cultural oddities
One of the first things I did when I got Acces to the Folger Shakespeare Library about 25 years ago was to copy some old som\ngs from manuscripts of 1625-35, and checking against copies printed later in drolleries and the Percy Folio MS. They generally agreed pretty well, but some things I really couldn't read (and still can't) so I practiced on some photo-facsimiles in Sam Shoenbaum's 'Shakespeare's Lives' untill I got better at it.

Then I went back 20 years later and tried on some pieces I hadnt been able to do before, and redid a few that I wasn't too sure of. My new copies were further from the drollery copies than my originals. English typesetters couldn't read English script either! "The blazing Torch" is on my website. There's one printed copy where it's "The glazing torch".
Sometimes you see somthing copied from an old manuscript with ff at the front of a word. That's just a script capital F, unless, of course it's an H; there's little to chose from, so you just flip a coin sometimes.
Coins only have two sides, so they don't work on script caps B, R, and K, and you've got to roll dice or something like that.
Aint English quaint?