The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120350   Message #2618049
Posted By: GUEST,Doc John
24-Apr-09 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: obesity and global warming
Subject: RE: BS: obesity and global warming
EVERYTHING causes global warming - except Royalty, Government Ministers and the Bishop of London, of course. Does anyone read the Guardian Green Section where we've had:-
1. A young man who is proud he doesn't drive but rather cycles and walks everywhere: he's 15.
2. A woman who's an environmentalist and whose guilty secret is flying around the world talking about it.
3. A man who has married a woman from South America and feels guilty about flying to see her family.
4. A man who's so concerned about his dead batteries he's considering flying to Germany to dispose of them.
5. Etc, etc
And the Independent is no better: on a front page it bewailed the increasing CO2 output and at the same time bewailed the decreasing birthrate.
When there's less hypocricy, I might just believe it.
Doc John