The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120350   Message #2618392
Posted By: Eric the Viking
25-Apr-09 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: obesity and global warming
Subject: RE: BS: obesity and global warming
Of course................the answer has just come to me in a flash! (No.not as I was flashing!) If we collected all the farts in pressurised containers we could use them to drive wind turbines and thus reduce global warming and save energy. Imagine a network of fart filled tubes across the country all directed to a set of wind farms in various locations. Farting would become a patriotic and conservational thing to do. We could get a reduction in our energy bills, the more farts produced the cheaper the electricity. Whole fields could be given over to growing onions and beans.......

The mind boggles................well mine obviously does !