The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120306   Message #2620062
Posted By: Bobert
27-Apr-09 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
See, this is where the discussion usually goes... Someone puts out some ***reasonable*** ideas from where a discussion could lead and it's called "rhetoric"...

Man, I loves ya', LH, but you need to revisit the history of the gun debate... There is a lot less rhetoric on the side of those who would like a discussion to begin than you are implying... The mere implication marginalizes those of us who have been waiting decades for the NRA to shut up long enough to get a word in edge-wise... The entire debate has been one sided... The NRA's... It has the Congress of the United States scared to death to say one thing about gun control... And they do it by getting folks. like you, to parrot the same old cliches that we've heard for the last 30 years...

"Yeah, them folks wanta take yer guns away, Ralph"... Period...

I think it is disengenuois to thinking people toparrot NRA propaganda... The only rhetoric that I see is coming outta the NRA and thus... discussion... Just shut the F up!!!
