The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23433   Message #262091
Posted By: Ringer
21-Jul-00 - 09:43 AM
Thread Name: Tolpuddle 2000
Subject: RE: Tolpuddle 2000
"Sound rude", McGrath? Perish the thought.

You criticise me for things I haven't said, not for things I have. I expected criticism for my second paragraph, but unless you are going to argue that the scansion and rhyme are perfect, I don't see how you can debate my first.

The crux, of course, is in your final, italicised, paragraph, and I wholeheartedly agree: I acknowledge my right-wing bias, that I detest the dreary invective of the left, the reduce-it-all-to-the-least-common-denominator statism-over-individualism-except-possibly-in-football, the yah-boo-sucks of Leon Rosselson (I have to confess here that I know only of 2 LR "songs": one is the words to - that's why I quoted "songs" - WTUD, the other is Palaces of Gold in a version I have by Roy Bailey, so if these 2 are atypical, I apologise to him) and that's part of (it may even be all of) my antipathy to WTUD. But I can see and acknowledge my bias, recognise that it may colour my viewpoint; if called to, I will argue for my point of view (although preferably not in a forum devoted to music). But GeorgeH doesn't seem to recognise his bias, and that was the point of my second paragraph. It seems to me that he puts forth his viewpoint as if he'd received it from Mt Sinai on tablets of stone, and in doing so comes across (to me at least) as smug, pompous and patronising. If he's got an argument (and, having seen many of his other posts, I'm sure he has) let him debate it, not sanctimoniously dismiss any opposing view as "...bland generalisations [that] almost deny the possibility of worthwhile debate."