The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120427   Message #2621009
Posted By: theleveller
29-Apr-09 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is the new age of folk upon us?
Subject: RE: BS: Is the new age of folk upon us?
"you do over dramatise a bit"

To be honest, Rifleman, it's pointless having a discussion with someone who is so totally ignorant of British social history. May I suggest you read the following, for starters:

Christopher Hibbert: The English – A Social History from 1066 to 1945
Christopher Hill: Liberty Against the Law
Tawney: Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
Mark O'Brien: When Adam Delved – a History of the Peasants' Revolt
William Cobbett: Rural Rides
Robert Bell: Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England

That should give you a basic insight on which to base an informed opinion .