The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23396   Message #262116
Posted By: Jim the Bart
21-Jul-00 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: Folksongs that will pass for 'Pop'
Subject: RE: Folksongs that will pass for 'Pop'
What about Tony Rice's version of the "Edmund Fitzgerald"? It is pretty stripped down and retains the same flavor without all the decorations.

I find it hard to believe that the law is standing in the way of hearing re-arranged versions of our favorite songs. Otherwise we never would have had Ike & Tina's version of "Proud Mary". Or Creedence's either. Or that bluegrass version that somebody stole from me and my partner Ted back in the 70's. Lately you see a lot of string band (I hesitate to use the word "bluegrass") versions of tunes coming out of Nashville - the Beatles, the Eagles, the Beach Boys and Lord knows what all. I'm sure the legal wheels were greased to get these done, and I'm sure that greasing the necessary sweaty palms is all that is needed. Other than an interest in the material. In other words, I don't think it's the law that is depriving us of be-bop or classical versions of the Edmund Fitz - just lack of interest.