The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2621231
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Apr-09 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Ok, back. (had late staying company). As Ake pointed out,.."whenever the Pro homosexual marriage brigade hit a problem in the debate, they fall back to the "homophobia" and personal abuse position....", the ones feeling threatened, that their political thumb that they suck, may be in jeopardy, of being removed, and like children(of all ages), they whine, scream piss and moan, accusing others that 'You won't let me suck my thumb, its mine, and I can do what I want with it'.

As to Don, when you first posed your question, you asked 'How would it affect your marriage'. One could easily come back with a swift arrogant answer, having no knowledge of anything about your marital situation, IF I was merely promoting a 'Homophobic' agenda, which I was not. Matter of fact, it was in my reply, that I posted that I expressed that '..your love..' for your homosexual friends, gave your concerns, validity, as to why the question, was reason for me to answer, and answer responsibly. So, not knowing your marital situation, the first thing any counselor does, is to inquire, which I did, and your answer was great, in the fact that you laid out rather vividly, your ages, length of relationship, and the status of children. Those things are important before one could answer the question about how it would, should, could affect your marriage. My question back to you, certainly covered that purpose, considering that in a marriage, with offspring produced from it, would be far larger than just the one husband's opinions about it, without considering the wife's or her attachment, and concerns about her kids...would it not?? For that reason, the 'flock squawk', attempted to force a spin, on what I asked and why, as 'living proof' that I am guilty, of some sort of 'hatred'(was even used), when I said before it was 'your love' that compelled me, to answer responsibly. It seemed that others, thought it was, as 'frogprince' commented, '..a soul searching question..'

OK, that being said, Being as you both are in your 70's, and no offspring in the home, the answer to your question, is that it probably wouldn't(affect your marriage), however, at the same time, other families may not feel the same way, or be in your situation.

One thing, that I want to point out, is that your slur, about '"Would you want your daughter to marry one?", was both out of place, and non-applicable,..being as that was a phrase that came out in the early 60's in regards to interracial marriage, and was popularized after the movie 'Guess Who's Coming For Dinner' with Sidney Pointier.
Phil Ochs also slams phony 'liberals' in his song, 'Love me, I'm a Liberal' your insinuation was off base, and misleading. Not that I care, but it certainly generated the negative reaction, that it was intended to.

Back to immediate topic, though you and Barbara, for whatever reasons you have gotten together, chose not to have or raise kids, there are those who have, and your point of view, should be just that, YOUR point of view, and if parents of children, have a different point of view, your should not be the dominant one imposed on them!..and as long as they have a choice to raise their kids, and not want the homosexual issue, become their kids problem, they have that right, and rightfully so...wouldn't you think? Freedom is Freedom,...and being as those who don't want the influences of the homosexual issue, being forced upon their families and children, or even exposed to it, the parents have the right, and to some, the obligation, to have a say in the movies, music, or anything else that their children are exposed to. Being as those people are in the majority, and see marriage as the first step to a family unit, and being as marriage is defined by them, do you think that a vocal group of those wishing to change their definition, and determination on how to raise their kids, free of homosexuality, promiscuous, permissiveness, about sexuality, drugs, alcohol, or any other issue for that matter, should be overridden?? Where is your 'cry for freedom' here?
I hope this isn't earth shattering for the 'squawk flock', but people can and do make decisions, to to participate in popular 'trends' for more, and other reasons than 'hatred'. Some people actually have certain ideals, for specific paths for their children. I noticed this segment in your post:..."Barbara was married before, briefly when she was in her early twenties, but it didn't work out. No children. I, on the other hand had not been married before, but I do have a son. From a relationship that took place in the 1960s. Due to various circumstances, marriage with my son's mother was impossible...". Any regrets, or wishes that something might have been done or handled differently, back then??? Ever feel that everything was covered, for that child that the two of you brought in to the world was done? Did this happen because of 'popular' trends? If there was a moment in time, that would have employed a more responsible mindset, from either or both, would you want to rethink that moment? To other types of parents, with different ideals, some of these issues are NOT an issue...are they wrong??..haters??..bigots??...Right?