The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120306   Message #2621522
Posted By: Bobert
29-Apr-09 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Well, the problem, as I see it, is that we've tried deregulation and it has been a complete and utter failure... Some of the variables that LH has mentioned play into the mix but on the whole, it has failed...

The problem is that money, not social interests, are driving this debate or, more accurately, this non-debate... The NRA gets billions a year from gun shop owners and rednecks too stupid to think for themselves and wioth those billions they have intact the most efficeient lobby in the country... The NRA lobby is the lobby of all lobbies... But let's get real, it comes down to a combination of money and ignorance... Wonderfull mix... "A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one..."

The aerguments for the anti-gun-contolists have been carefully crafted by ad-man who have used control groups to hone the arguments where anyone with an IQ above 75 can parrot them...

Dismissing the ***vague language*** in the 2nd ammendment is at the heart of their propaganda... They ignore the context... They just slam down the throats of anyone willing to listen that the 2nd ammendment is plain and clear... It isn't at all... If it were 2 sentences it might be but it isn't... The right to own guns is tied to a militia... That is the crux of the argument...

Once we get folks de-porgrammed from the carefully crafted propaganda on this one issue then the real discussion can begin...
