The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118181   Message #2621671
Posted By: eddie1
30-Apr-09 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: For Pete's Sake Sing Day - Pete's 90th, May 3
Subject: RE: For Pete's Sake Sing Day - Pete's 90th, May 3
For a couple of months now, my radio partner in crime, John Stannard and I have been putting together a 3-hour programme entitled, "For Pete's Sake Sing" going out between 1000 & 1300 hrs (UK time)today, Thursday, on Blast1386, the radio station of Thames Valley University here in Reading, England.

Sods Law has intervened by putting down the website and it won't be up until Friday! Damn and blast!!!! And I'd even found a version of "The Bells of Rhymney" by that well-known traditional American folksinger, Cher!

Well, John & I have decided to do it all again in a couple of week's time.

Meanwhile, Readifolk, the local FC are having a "For Pete's Sake Sing" night on Sunday at 8.30 in RISC in London Street, Reading.
It would be great to see some local Mudcatters there.
