The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120518   Message #2622795
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
01-May-09 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: When NOT to sing
Subject: RE: When NOT to sing
"People tend to assume that others see things and hear things as they do. This is just not so. Nothing wrong with liking things a certain way, and acting to make it happen how you like it. Seek like-minded people. Put locks on the doors or have secret passwords if you need to keep certain types out...I have no complaints with that...but the level of disdain for those who do not see things like you do is too high for my taste. mg"

Ahah! This is the point where those of us who question whether it's right or proper for members of the audience to 'muscle-in' on a singer's performance are accused of having 'moral failings'. As with the 'definition' debates this is generally the point where the opposition demonstrates that it has run out of arguments: "I disagree with you but I can't argue with you so I've decided to find what you say morally offensive!"