The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119776   Message #2623276
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
02-May-09 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: 'Rare' Caribbean shanties of Hugill, etc
Subject: RE: 'Rare' Caribbean shanties of Hugill, etc

The ones I believe I brought back to life (not having heard anyone else sing them, and not having found any recordings of them) are Huckleberry Hunting (Colcord), Priest and Nuns (Harlow), The Shaver (Hugill), and Gimme de Banjo (Hugill).

I was amused to find that the Robert Shaw Chorale did "The Shaver" on their 1960 recording. I've never had the urge to buy that :) -- I've only heard a snippet on iTunes, so I am not sure if and how they may have bowdlerized it.

R.R. Terry gave 2 verses of it, with tune, in a 1920 acticle in the journal MUSIC & LETTERS. Did he give a full version in his elusive "Part Two" book? Otherwise, I'm not sure where else it might have been available to Shaw since, if I have the date right, that was before Hugill's text. Another oral source? Communication with Terry?

Anyways, thanks for reviving it! Consequently, I already had the luxury of enjoying your version before trying out one of my own, HERE