The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2623817
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
04-May-09 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
'One World' by Chris de Burgh

"I can feel it in my blood, I can hear it in my footsteps,
I can see it all around, that everywhere connections
Are breaking away, and people know that something must change, must change;

There are better men than I, who with courage and conviction
Are patrolling the lines, waking up the sleepers who will not decide,
And do not think there's anything wrong;

But we are all living here in this beautiful world, sharing
Sunrises every day, we may have different lives, but for all of us,
Here we will stay;

We're living in one world, sleeping in one world, dreaming
In one world, and no-one's going anywhere,
We're living in one world, working in one world, breathing in one world,
We're just the same as anyone;

I believe there is a God, but it doesn't mean that my God is greater
Than yours, it only means we all have the right to believe, 'cos nobody
Knows it for sure, for sure; if there's a Heaven or Hell, or a sweet Paradise,
Or a place where we all meet again, 'cos with minimal change
Everyone here is the same;

We're living in one world, sleeping in one world, dreaming
In one world, and no-one's going anywhere,
We're living in one world, working in one world, breathing in
One world, we're just the same as anyone,
We're living in one world, sleeping in one world, dreaming in one world,
And no-one's going anywhere;
We're living in one world, working in one world, breathing in one world,
We're just the same as anyone;

Listen to the voice of millions calling me and you,
Take good care of everywhere 'cos this is my home too,
Laughing in one world, crying in one world, hoping in one world,
Praying in one world, trying in one world, this is my home too,
One world, one world, one world, one world,
One world, one world, one world"

One World - The Video

Palestine and Israel are both wrong.   

No-one has the right any longer to wage war on anyone else.

What the fook are they fighting for anyway? A strip of land? "No-one *owns* the land that people walk upon" in the first place, for Godsake!

Until people begin to see themselves as 'people' and not as Israelis or Palestinians, we ain't going to get anywhere.

Israel has been beaten up for decades by bullies and thugs who want to see the country and her people annihilated. All she ever wanted was to live in peace, to be left alone in her own place, to grow and prosper and to have a peaceful place to raise her children, after the terrible things that happened in WWII. But others had other ideas.

Yasser Arafat did such terrible damage to his country, to the people of his country and to Israel, feeding the fires of hate behind his false smile, creating the suicide bombers whilst dining out at The White House....

The Palestinian adults who to this day still train children to kill, carry that on, breeding the next generation of haters, ensuring that the poor brain-washed children grow to carry on the fight..and the hate.

Hamas and Hezbollah in their bloodthirsty quest to annhilate Israel have added to it all in buckeloads.

There are people on both sides of this hell who know that they are all the same and they're doing all they can to spread that message, but until that message has been heard, and understood, by the armies of both sides, and they've put down their guns, refused to fire the rockets, this hell will continue.

It's time to put the flowers back into the guns...

WHY, as a species, the *same* species, are we so divided, so intent on killing our own?

I have never understood it, nor will I...ever. We are ALL the same. The Palestinian mother cries the same tears as the Israeli mother, both weep for children who will never grow up, who have their lives taken away or blown apart by adults of their own species, in the name of...*what*?