The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120582   Message #2623945
Posted By: Howard Jones
04-May-09 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: Is there a folk music industry?
Subject: RE: Is there a folk music industry?
Yes, there is a folk music industry/business, but it's not necessarily very business-like. There are some who try to make their living from it, as performers, record producers or promoters. A great many more, including some very well-known performers, are not full-time professionals, but have "real" jobs to pay the bills and do music as a paying hobby. Many of the venues are run on a not-for-profit basis.

Nearly all these groups, including many of those trying to make a living at it, are more interested in the music than financial rewards.

I think the idea of folk music "consumers" is a difficult one, since it suggests a difference between the performers on one hand and a passive audience on the other. Folk music is very participative, and a large number of those involved are also active musicians, dancers, etc.

I find radio and TV of little use, since there's so little folk music on either. Mike Harding's show is of zero interest and I hardly ever listen to it (and when I do, usually in the car, it confirms my prejudice). Most of my information comes from word of mouth or the internet.

I seem to be increasing choosy these days about buying CDs and don't buy nearly as many as I used to. I'll get them from shops, the artists or sometimes on-line (usually from performers' websites rather than Amazon, which is difficult to browse and then bombards me with other CDs it thinks I'll like).