The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120582   Message #2624443
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
05-May-09 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Is there a folk music industry?
Subject: RE: Is there a folk music industry?
Tom Bliss refers to the dichotomy between those who admire the output of finely-honed players from conservatoires and universities with an automatic assumption that their music should be on a par with other sections of the musbiz , and those whose concept of "f*lk" (whatever that is) is strictly non-commercial, non-business, non-professional in every aspect especially including intonation or rehearsal in any form and somehow tied up with a dreary incantation dredged up from 1954.

These "two schools of thought" I'd prefer to identify as (1) a progressive Summerhill-like school and (2) a naughty step of anti-educationalist, inverted snobbish playground rabble-rousers. And the philosophy (or lack thereof) rears its head periodically usually under headings such as "young f*lk tradition undermining f*lk" (as if) which exist fundamentally for old farts to sneer at musicianship and professionalism and whinge that new emerging musicians haven't served their apprenticeship and charge too much.

The contributor who in this thread is floating the illusion of unfeasible contract clauses is the very same one who tried the intended smear that a well-known band employed a PR person. The truth is that their recording company does. And then there's the tired slur of asking "silly money", as though musicians are not entitled to the rate for the job like any other worker.

As for purchasing CDs, my own gut feeling is that I'd prefer to get them directly from the artist so that they retain a little more of the purchase price but the fact remains that under the economic system under which we exist, such sales do not show up on retail returns which matter in building reputation. Many artists prefer, therefore, that you get their wares via Amazon.

In reply to the initial question, of course there's an industry, obviously because that is how the economy is organised. Just because you don't happen to approve of capitalism doesn't mean that you can attempt to prohibit musicians from seeking their living within it. Even Smooth Ops does that, like it or not and I do not. There's no choice, other than seeking out and supporting alternative outlets.