The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120541   Message #2625139
Posted By: GUEST,Edthefolkie
05-May-09 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: PRL- Whats this about
Subject: RE: PRL- Whats this about
I'm with Richard Mellish on this one. Twice now I've been in the local Co-op and bloody Mariah Carey or a similar yodelling contest has been inflicted on me from the ceiling about 3 feet away. Send the PRS and PPL men round boys!

Seriously, there is a difference between that sort of noise pollution and some poor bored person in a knick-knack shop listening to Radio 2. I suppose as usual the enforcers will "do" the easy targets while ignoring T*pSh*p et al blasting bumcha bumcha bumcha right across the street.