The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2625396
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-May-09 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
To remain steadfast, in an opinion, while IGNORING FACTS presented, is being WILLFULLY IGNORANT! You, all, holding onto your bent on homosexual activity, being the same as ethnicity, is ignorant.
Equating the two, is spitting in the faces of those who suffered, were denied rights, and fought, and even died, during the REAL civil rights movement.
There is NO homosexual gene, never was, never will be. That is your own CHOICE. Pointing that FACT out, and having it IGNORED, equals the same as trying to get an immature child to stop sucking his thumb. It is by CHOICE..therefore, cannot be considered a right, other than to choose. To be deceived, willfully, or to deceive willfully, speaks for itself, as to your characters. Choosing to suck your thumb, as a child, is it genetic?..or behavior?
Also, throwing tantrums, when a parent pulls the thumb out of the child's mouth, as seen just a few posts back, when Don First, wanted more attention drawn to himself(repeatedly), is nothing more than what it really is...EMOTIONAL IMMATURITY! In reality, it has no power, just a tantrum.
Does he have a right to be, 'the way he is'..sure...but must we make laws, changing definitions, family structures, child rearing,(as if he knew what that was), and laws to accommodate, such immaturity? No, but if he, and others, scream, kick, and wail loud enough, perhaps, they think the parent will let him put his thumb back. It won't change the FACT, that the child is still 'just sucking his thumb'.
So sally forth, gung-ho!...Let's be immature, ignorant, and pass legislation to try to 'dignify' our BEHAVIOR, and for God's sake, make sure those who are able to see this for what it really is, are silenced, because if others are helped out of it, that becomes an indictment for how really helplessly lame and corrupt, our ATTITUDES GOVERNING OUR BEHAVIOR, really are!!!! SUCK AWAY!!!..Kill the truth!!!..Discredit any lifestyle, that preaches otherwise, because as long as we can suck our thumbs, we, at least can feel the power, of being like 'grown ups', by being fascist pigs, to the rest of real world!
Talking about seeing the elephant??...nor the forest ,for the trees?