The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2625719
Posted By: Teribus
06-May-09 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Now Barry Finn takes something I said that is factual and can be easily verified:

"While the Taleban were never elected Hamas was and the reason given for not recognizing them is their Charter which demands the destruction of a fully recognized member state of the United Nations (i.e. Israel) and the annihilation of her people. That by the bye Don is where the MORAL Right of the matter comes into play."

i.e. Hamas' Charter does undeniably call for the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of her people and that is why Hamas as a government is not recognized by the UN and the majority of the nations of the world. And he replaces that with his own highly subjective opinion and attempts to present it as being of equal weight:

"What makes you think Teribass that Israel's intent isn't the same????
Christ, by their actions it is identical to the words of Hamas & Hezbollah."

Well then Baz it doesn't work that way does it because everything must stand up to critical analysis. Shall we take a run through it then?? To make it easy we'll skip the first twenty odd years of the Palestinian Mandate Period where the Jews were repeatedly attacked dispossessed and murdered by Palestinian Arabs, attacks that CarolC conveniently denies ever happened. Unfortunately for CarolC they did and they are extremely well documented. Let's take the events of last Christmas, the last Israeli incursion into Gaza.

OK Baz your contention is that Israel demands the destruction of Gaza and the West Bank and the annihilation of the Palestinians, but this is not written anywhere or spoken of – Rather unfortunate for your case that, because the Hamas declaration is there for everybody to read and there are loads of "You Tube" clips of Arab "leaders" spouting about killing Jews and destroying Israel.

Anyway Baz back to the Israelis. The question must be asked have they got the kit to do the job? And the answer to that Baz is a resounding yes, they have all the tools they need and more.

Have they got the necessary training and ability Baz to destroy Gaza and the West Bank and annihilate the people? Once again, I'd have to say yes.

So come on Baz, how did this well equipped, well trained, capable killing machine that is the IDF perform in Gaza over Christmas then. From the 27th December 2008 until the 21st January 2009 they killed between 1285 and 1117 people.

The population of Gaza at the start Baza was around 1,400,000 people. So for 26 days the most powerful army, navy and air force in the region pummelled the Palestinian enclave of Gaza and succeeded in killing 0.09% of the population they have sworn to annihilate. Almost a whole of 0.1% Barry!!!! Were they having a series of off-days?? Feeling liverish?? Not quite "into it" at that time of the year?? I mean come on Barry f**ckin' ell 26 days going at it hammer and tongs F-16's, laser guided bombs, white phosphorus, tanks and heavy artillery, throwing the whole bloody "ish" at it and all they can succeed in annihilating is not even 0.1% of the population – Not too good for your argument is it, they should have done a lot better than that shouldn't they?? Apart from which the West Bank wasn't even touched!!!

Of course Barry this lack of performance could be put down to one of two other possible reasons considering how good the IDF is:

1.        The Palestinians in Gaza are all World "Hide-And-Seek" Champions and the IDF unfortunately attacked during a practice session


2.        There is no desire whatsoever on the part of the Israel Government, the Israeli Defence Force, or the Israeli people, to annihilate anybody.

Now being a logical sort of person and going through all that I'll put my money on the latter explanation being the truth. Now come on Baza you convince me otherwise.