The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120677   Message #2626495
Posted By: ossonflags
07-May-09 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Beverley Beckside Festival 22-24 May 2009
Subject: Beverley Beckside Festival 2009
          Beverley Heritage weekend
               22/23/24 May 2009

Hya all, here is the latest update on the Beverley Shanty festival.

Unfortunately because of the lack of funding NO money is available to pay anyone this year; there will be no exceptions.

We are keen to carry on were we left of last year and hope to have a great weekend but we do need your support. To this end we have decided to hold The Beverley Heritage weekend which will be a free festival other than Camping: which will be ten pounds per night...

Contact is:

Please note: if you are camping please contact John Taylor well before the event;

The barge Syntan and community area will be the centre of the festival, with the Hodgesons being made available for a survivors session on the Sunday night; also there will be a chance to see and look round some old river craft.I am working on a venue in Beverley for a meet and greet on the Friday night.

We have had many fine people who have come forward to give their services for free in the cause of keeping music live, these include:

Dave and Julie Everdson
Monkeys Fist
Ray Padgett
Roaring Fourties
Trim Rig and a Doxy
Steve Gardham
Mick McGarry
Geoff and Flick Lawes
Two Old Bouys
Ravin Maes dance troupe
Les and Maggie
Dave Kidman
Ken Hall
Dave Howden
Ken Stokes
Dereck Waudby
and more are committing by the hour!!!!!!

If you can support us would you get back to me as soon as possible please, so we have some ideas of numbers.

if I have not included you please dont shout at me!!!! , a gentle reminder will do and I will include you in the billing.