The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23505   Message #262652
Posted By: GUEST,Hilary in NZ
22-Jul-00 - 07:32 AM
Thread Name: Lord of the Rings. Movie and songs.
Subject: RE: Lord of the Rings. Movie and songs.
Sorry I didn't get here earlier guys - but i am the bearer of bad tidings - the Hobbits will most likely have New Zealand accents!!
At least that's not as bad as Australian ones!!!! [:)] to Aussies reading!!!!
I'm just pissed off coz I auditioned as an extra, being 5' tall I thought I'd be a shoo-in. But I was told I wasn't wierd enough looking - a FIRST!!!
Most of New Zealand auditioned to be extras. We are very patriotic about the movies being made here. Most of New Zealand does in fact look like Middle Earth, or other places in the books - like the central mountains you will see in the internet clip. We are very proud of our bourgeoning film industry.
As far as the American accent and love interest thing - we are only 3 million not particularly well off people - and we (or Peter, actually,) had to get the money (very huge by NZ standards - Blair Witch was a monstrous budget by NZ standards!)somewhere!!! Tip - look out for Maori Orcs - VERY SCARY!!!