The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2626837
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-May-09 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
I don't think that GfS's main concerns regarding the subject of discussion revolve around how the marriage of homosexuals would presumably affect anyone's heterosexual marriage, Don (F). His or her concerns are in other areas entirely. So are Akenaton's for the most part, since it appears to me that Akenaton is primarily concerned about the possible physical health issues of the male homosexual lifestyle rather than about how a gay marriage would theoretically affect someone in a heterosexual marriage.

It's plainly obvious to all of us that a gay marriage does not in any way directly affect the marriage of some heterosexual couple, so there's no point even arguing about it in the first place.

And that makes me wonder why you would even bring it up? I mean, what does it have to do with Akenaton's or GfS's real concerns? It is a pointless question. It's not relevant to the issues that Akenaton and GfS have about the homosexual lifestyle and its possible repercussins on those practicing it...but certainly not on other people who are in a heterosexual marriage.

In short, it's pretty much a non-sequitor.

Taoist teachings (from ancient China) on the subject are quite interesting. The Taoists did not regard people's sexual choices and sexual practices as being a moral issue at all, providing there was mutual consent between adults. They regarded it strictly as a health issue. (They were not burdened with any of the typical Judeo-Christian-Muslim baggage about sex being "sinful" unless it is done thus and so...)'s what they said about health and sex:

1. Sex is natural, good for you, and it's very healthy to practice it in reasonable moderation, but it's unhealthy to overdo it to the point where it becomes, in effect, an addiction or an obsession, because it then begins to damage your physical and psychological health.

2. Sex between men and women was clearly the most common form in their society, as in ours, and that was obvious...but lesbian sex and male homosexual sex were also recognized as choices people could freely engage in, and there was no moral stigma or judgement attached to either.

3. Lesbian sex was described as "polishing mirrors", and was said to have no ill effects on the health, and was thought to be useful to keep women happy in the palaces, for example, where many women might be left alone much of the time when the men were away at war.

4. Male to male sex was described as "dragon yang". While it was not considered morally wrong in any way, it was considered a (moderate) health risk by the Taoists because male energy is aggressive, not receptive, and they felt that two aggressive energies being brought against each other could in time cause damage to bodily systems and deplete the life force. So...while the Taoists did not proscribe or condemn the practice, they did caution against possible health hazards and recommended not engaging in too much "dragon yang" if you wanted to stay healthy.

I'm not mentioning that to prove anything to you or convince you of anythibg...(That would be very optimistic of me, to say the least!)

However, I think it's quite interesting. Taoists always sought moderation, balance, and Nature's way of maintaining happiness, good health, and long life.