The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105397   Message #2626928
Posted By: mouldy
08-May-09 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Six Degrees Of Separation
Subject: RE: BS: Six Degrees Of Separation
When I was in NZ (that place again!), just over a month ago, I took a ride out to Masterton... just because I fancied a trip out, and the train went there from Wellington.

I mooched into a Save the Children charity shop, to look at toys for my granddaughter, and, as is quite usual in NZ, got into conversation with the lady behind the counter. She was an ex-pat herself, and had been over 30 years in NZ. She asked about my stay and I told her I had been able to tie up my visit with that of my old best friend from school, whose son now lived in Wellington with his Kiwi wife. She asked where - I told her. She asked where he worked - I told her. Then she asked his name. I said "Rob Clark". She grinned and said, "My husband is Rob's wife Cara's mother's brother!" (A very convoluted way of saying uncle). Then she added, "You must have been meeting Margo" (I was) "We met her when we came over to the UK for the wedding!"

A propos of nothing - Shortly after I got back, I got an email from a woman I didn't know in NZ, but whom it seems I am distantly related to, as my great grandfather is the younger brother of hers, who went there in the 19th century from Ireland.
