The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112527   Message #2627125
Posted By: Big Mick
08-May-09 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Obit: My heart is broken-Mick**Update-Apr 29, 2011
Subject: RE: Obit: My heart is broken-Mick**Update-May 5, 2
I read Jean's incredibly generous post last night and just sat there stunned and pondering the depth of this wise friend's gift. Her voice is a gift from the Almighty, for which she received without asking. She had nothing whatever to do with it's creation. But how she uses that same treasure is her gift to us. Here is a woman that is a national treasure. She could easily rest on her lifetime of accomplishment and receive the accolades she so richly deserves. And in the midst of her own trials, she takes time out to share her wisdom with a half hindended folksinger from Michigan and the rest of us. Not only did she share her wisdom, but she bared her soul. I am grateful beyond belief, and will treasure these words all the days of my life. As I am grateful for all the love and concern expressed by all of you.

I also received, last night, a beautiful "Mudcat hug" (handknitted shawl) as a gift to my Mother from jacqui. She enclosed a wonderful personal note to my Mom that starts out "Dear Naughty Grandma, Now that is a title I aspire to ....." . I will be giving that to my mother this afternoon. She will love it!

Chas, you will be pleased to know that I grabbed the old Larrivee and took it to the hospital and played for the folks in two wards. As I was playing for Mom and the folks on her floor, one of my kin came to visit and let me know that my cousin was two floors up with heart problems. Damn, another one!! So me and the old Larrivee headed up and played for those folks for an hour or so. A nurse, one of the true Angels of Mercy, came to me and said she wished I would stay all night. When I think of that comment, especially when I ponder it in terms of Jean's sharing of her gifts and wisdom, I can see the selfishness of my opening comments about not singing. We are given gifts and the question is, how will we use them? Our Jean asks daily that she be shown the tasks yet to be accomplished, and that she leaves fond memories behind. One of her tasks, it seems to me, was to show me, by her amazing example, that all of this is not about me and the load I am caused to bear. It is more about me taking the gifts I have been given and using them to help friends and family through the long valley. And to leave fond memories. Thanks, Jean, for your wisdom, love, and friendship.

My mom is simply amazing. She has charmed the hospital staff with her attitude and her beautiful smile. She is already embracing her situation and turning it to lemonade. We will get through this.

All the best,
