The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120710   Message #2628544
Posted By: paula t
10-May-09 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Education:Too Many Clever People?
Subject: RE: BS: UK Education:Too Many Clever People?
"Tell me, as an adult..would you take on a job where you had to take work home every single day? Would you take on a job where you got paid nothing for that extra work? Where you were examined all the time, made to sit examinations, judged, packaged and labelled 'success' or 'failure' at the end of your 13 year 'trial period', given detentions, not allowed to talk back, not allowed to ask questions when you needed to, bullied, threatened......etc..etc.etc.."

I did.......It's called being a teacher.