The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120710   Message #2628765
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
11-May-09 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Education:Too Many Clever People?
Subject: RE: BS: UK Education:Too Many Clever People?
Very good Don....


....WAS Reggie really 'bone idle and thick' or *was* he one of the thousands of kids out there who struggle every single day in a situation which is completely alien to them, terrifying the shite out of them and where not one single person seems able to comprehend them or realise that kids like Reggie so often just need one to one teaching, in a quiet environment, where they're not surrounded by hundreds, or thousands of faces, people..that scare them shitless?

Just another way of looking at the 'Reggie Problem' that's all...because there are many 'Reggies and Regina's' out there who have minds bordering on genius level, but who are written off by schools as being difficult, thick, stupid and bone idle.

"Tell me, as an adult..would you take on a job where you had to take work home every single day? Would you take on a job where you got paid nothing for that extra work? Where you were examined all the time, made to sit examinations, judged, packaged and labelled 'success' or 'failure' at the end of your 13 year 'trial period', given detentions, not allowed to talk back, not allowed to ask questions when you needed to, bullied, threatened......etc..etc.etc.."

From Paula:
>>>I did.......It's called being a teacher.<<<

I knew someone would say that. :0)   

Slightly different though, Paula. First you've *chosen* to be there and can leave at any moment. Second, you're not *made* to take exams, learn things against your will..and, you're not spoken down to, or bullied, because if you were, someone would be taken to task over it and severely reprimanded, or possibly even lose their job over it. You're protected in school ***because you are an adult*** and therefore you have a whole range of paths you can go down if other if needed.

Our children don't have that. Oh yes, every school has it's 'anti-bullying' policy, but it means f*** all when you actually try to put it into practice, because very few teachers or headteachers actually care that much. (sits back and waits for cries of "That is SO untrue, Lizzie!").....sigh, if ONLY it were...

As I said, a whole Revolution of Thought is needed to solve the problems and the problems are actually very simply.

The solution starts with actually LIKING our children, as a nation, treating them with respect, not talking down to them, not constantly wanting and demanding that they be 'disciplined' because you know what? A happy, contented, secure child doesn't need discipline!

Amazing that, isn't it!

If a child feels nurtured, supported, appreciated, respected, un-stressed and SAFE, then magic happens..

The Corporate education System has a great deal to learn, but it doesn't want to.

The people who need to learn the most, are the teachers...And they need to learn that a huge part of their job is to stand up for the children, to ensure that bullies and thugs do NOT get to make the rules and regulations that are driving some of our kids to suicide and so many others into alcoholism...

They also need to understand that a child has much to teach the adult who may have forgotten so many things..and that a child has a right to learn things it *wants* to learn, rather than being forced to learn things it doesn't. They have a right to spend their formative years in a non-threatening, loving, uplifting, safe and happy environment.

They are not getting that.