The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119461   Message #2629541
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-May-09 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: OBIT: Ezra Milan - One year ago, today 10 Mar 2010
Subject: RE: OBIT: Ezra Milan - Good thoughts needed, please
The thing about closure it that it does not feel like closure when the "closing" event happens or comes to light. It's like a death, because no matter how hard you work to accept something as inevitable, there is that relentless human quality of hope that has to be murdered by the news that comes. It will only seem like closure later. Right now it's just insult added to injury, not fair, not comprehensible, not part of what the couple knew as what they were as a couple. It's a searing loss.

It's the fire you have to walk though to get to the safe place. Walk there, Meghan, and be brave now, and let your people call you to their safe harbor. It really is there. Just walk right to it, dear. ALL the best of Ezra, all the joy you shared is what will remain after the pain burns off. I'm so sorry this is before you now.
