The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120729   Message #2629647
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
12-May-09 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: 'Our' Music - How Did That Happen?
Subject: RE: 'Our' Music - How Did That Happen?
From Richard:

"NB I nowadays disagree with Sharp's conclusion that a folk snog MUST be anonymous."

Whoa!!! That Ol' Cecil! I bet he was having looooads of anonymous folk snogs with Maudie!

Richard, I think that should win a prize for being the best spelling 15th person singularly plurally upside down Freudian whatsit EVER! :0) xx

Folk Snogs.....Mmmmmm....

...and suddenly, this thread took a gigantic leap into a whole newwww direction! :0) :0)

OK, Folk Snogs......

I bags The Gorgeous Oysterband!

Line up, Lads, I's a-comin'...but...I just need to put my teeth in first, I won't be a minute...

LOL :0)