The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119490   Message #2630216
Posted By: glueman
12-May-09 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: What makes it a Folk Song?
Subject: RE: What makes it a Folk Song?
"it can likewise be applied to music which has originated with an INDIVIDUAL COMPOSER and has subsequently been absorbed into the unwritten living tradition of a community."

What does unwritten mean? Never written? Once written but now mostly sung? Written but changed? How much change until it becomes unrecognisable? If I turn Captain Ward into Captain Peace who says, 'Hey man, like don't give me that heavy cannon shit' and change the tune to Colonel Bogey is that a folk tune and who decides (don't tell me, the people. Well the people can kiss my fat white arse until one talks to me directly and not part of some people shaped committee). Can the individual composer be known and how if not through an attributed song? So how is a written down tune that is unchanged a folk song and are the changes also folk songs. You can tell I'm barely started here.