The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2631411
Posted By: GUEST
14-May-09 - 04:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
TIA:"You really can't live without me can you."
"For the record.
I have never pretended to be anything other than exactly what I am."
"..Not reading any more of this..."
Oka-a-ay?? How about deluded?

Amos: "I GOT that you feel all homosexuality is a deep emotional aberration born from abuse or neglect. I don't think that is uniformly the case"
I know you THINK what? Not how I look at it at all!

Don: "
Wrong, Ake. It first showed up in Africa among hunters who were trying to supply the market for what is known as "bush meat." The meat of monkeys. AIDS, like the Ebola virus, first showed up among African primates, and was then transmitted to humans, probably via bites."

Wrong! First showed up at Fort Kendrick, in a bio-lab.(Actually, that might be a 'news flash' to both you, and, Ake...but at least his concerns are far more real, and less personal).

(Don)"GfS, you are assuming that all of this is an entirely new thought to we "pea-brained liberals" and we have never considered the question before. That is where you are dead wrong."

Again, (and you are getting renown for it now, you are misquoting me, and changing the context. I was, as you know, was referring to those who resort to the name calling, and labeling of those who disagree with you as 'pea brains' which they are!, they are those driven by a liberal agenda, over facts.

(Don, again)"I can readily understand why a person with a close blood-relative who is homosexual might just be a little upset at the recent scientific evidence that homosexuality could be genetically predetermined."

Afraid to mention that 'fine young man' who comes to dinner, and who he is?? I was being polite, and that last long post was partially meant for you. I know you overcame some difficult realizations, to be accepting, and I would expect that you may have chosen that path, as the most pragmatic to heal old wounds, and to draw closer, for 'mutual acceptance', as perhaps a way to make up for past regrets and damage, you copped a lesser plea, a compromise, which I understand. I also understand why you are so vehemently confronting this issue, rather than owning up to the fact that your life has been so much about YOU, that this is the best amends you can offer. I think you may have had a clue, when I alluded to this in earlier posts, but oh well, I guess the last longer post of mine hit a little too close to home...Did it ever occur to you, that because I broached that subject, where I did, and as sensitively that I did, that maybe, just maybe...I was being more of a friend than you even thought??
After all, who else could speak to you there?..not stick salt in your wounds, and be open to talk about it like you never have had before?? But, you still think its all about you, and can't admit or see it, and say 'I'm needing'?
So you twist(phrases) and turn(meanings around), hide(avoid replying to facts, you wish not to address), duck(dodging directness) and weave( lies, things that you say others said that they didn't even come close to meaning), and attack(posted assaults, calling names and trying to discredit) those who understand that your efforts for reconciliation, was short stepping.
Yeah, quite a guy!..and yet, you could be exchanging real dialogues with those who, just may have real insights, and are not fooled by your tactics...and who could actually help you, and your family.
Genetics?? No, try terror stricken, of facing some accountability, then moving onto being able to be a real role model to him, instead of a coward who is afraid. So you turn around on here, and vent the anger you have toward yourself, because of the frustration of knowing that. I would be glad to be of service to
Hearts only break..that will not bend!
You are only fooling yourself, if you think you portray anything else.
Scroll back....then ask yourself, 'How long did GfS know?' Why was GfS being polite, after all the crap I threw?' Instead of, 'How can I nail him/her now?' What?..Are you afraid that just because someone can see inside you, that I am going to dislike and disapprove of you, who I see? opposed to offering something to you? Are you going to stay defensive, because of your sense of guilt and failure? Hey, Maybe I'm on your side...just not the side that you put up, but more on the side of who you really are, inside.
Wanna' talk?..I'm here...I might even surprise you.
Now that's two longer posts, with compassion toward you, and your situation. Attack me?..or get down and get real?
Again, hearts only break, that do not bend.