The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2631900
Posted By: Don Firth
14-May-09 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
GfS, you are a very arrogant and egotistical person.

Frankly, your posts are so convoluted that I find I can't divine what the hell it is that you are trying to imply about me. Are you still rattling on about my allegedly being guilt-ridden over the fact that my son was raised by another man? Well, first of all, I had no choice in the matter. And second, there is nothing to be guilty about. My son thoroughly understands the situation, and he and I have an excellent relationship (apparently a lot better than your relationship with your father). You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Or is it that you are trying to imply that because, often during holidays, one of my wife's and my dinner guests happens to be homosexual, this indicates that I might be homosexual myself? Sorry, Charlie, ain't now, never have been. He and his partner are both invited, along with about eight or ten other people we know who either live alone or do not have relatives living nearby with whom to celebrate such things as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Frankly, I can't figure out just what the hell you're talking about.

You, sir or madam as the case may be, are going all around Robin Hood's barn in an effort to mask the fact that your veiled implications about my psychological well-being are little more than a convoluted form of the argumentum ad hominem.

Besides, when you offered me "counselling"—unasked for—in open forum—which, in and of itself may be a breach of ethics, if you are, indeed, a licensed counsellor—you operated on the basis of the kind of stereotyped case studies one might find in a Psychology 101 textbook or something one might hear from a radio call-in shrink, and your scenario bore no relationship whatsoever to anything in my real life.

You are quite a piece of work!

Don Firth