The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2632960
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
15-May-09 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
""So, come on Ake. You want to be the great protector, and save a few million lives. Right, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, AND WHY?

1. Ban homosexuals? Been tried before! Didn't work!
2. Ban Heterosexuals? BETTER! You would save many more millions that way. NAAAAH! Wouldn't work either, theres too many of 'em.
3. Ban sex altogether? BEST SO FAR! Would save all those lives, but you would need an awful lot more cops.

NO! OF COURSE NOT! Failing any SENSIBLE response, you would advocate discriminating against gays, such that they enjoy NONE of the marital and concommitant financial rights that you youself enjoy.

Tell me my friend, what is YOUR carefully researched best estimate of the number of lives that will be saved by this remarkable example of lateral thinking?

Don T.

NO ANSWER, AKE? It's a question that destroys your claims, if you answer it honestly. Why is it that YOUR side feel that ignoring the facts will make your case stronger?

GfS uses the same tactic, and it is ineffective. All it proves is that neither of you HAS A CREDIBLE ANSWER. I expect that level of ignorance from GfS, but I always thought YOU capable of rational thought, rather than blind prejudice. Was I TOTALLY wrong about you?

Don T.