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Thread #115854   Message #2633117
Posted By: akenaton
16-May-09 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Don, Icant solve a problem of this magnitude.

It will take the combined skills of all the agencies, medical, scientific, psychiatric, even the people who construct our moral codes

You post ridiclous questions about banning homosexuals, heterosexuals and sex.....I take it that those questions are supposed to be a form of satire, as it would be impossible to "ban" any of the catagories you mention.

All I am doing is pointing out the serious health risks associated with homosexuality,and most importantly of all,the madness of denial and the pretense that homosexuality is just another lifestyle, safe, healthy and a suitable environment in which to bring up young children.
The more people who become informed on the hiv statistics, the more chance there is of affecting a change in homosexual behaviour.

As I have said from the start of this thread, "rights" should be conditional on the behaviour of any sector of society, and the effect of these "rights" on all other sectors.

In conclusion Don, I cannot underestand your very aggressive tone, to one who has tried to answer honestly every question which you have posed. I have nothing resonal to gain from my stance here, a stance which seems to have alienated many whom I presumed to be friends....However I always try to give my honest opinion, to be anything other than honest on a forum like this is a complete waste of everyone's time.....Ake