The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2633289
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-May-09 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
To answer Joe Offer's great question, (which also steers the thread back to the main topic), California has been under Democratic, liberal 'representative' state government for a long time. The passed prop. 187, which cut off funding for benefits for illegal immigrants, only to have it over turned by their 'representatives', and other things that they directly spoke out either, for or against..only to have it overturned as well. They keep getting taxed beyond belief, by slick shysters who get around the taxing laws, by using the terms like 'surcharge' 'user fees' so on and so that the actual voice of the people can't even be heard any more. Also, they have the entertainment industry there, which promotes all sorts of 'ills' for 'entertainment' value, as well...making the homosexual question, far more promoted, than proportional to the actual practice, or acceptance. So, where it would be a 'shock' that the ban was passed, the actual will of the people got heard finally...and resoundingly. Now the highly vocal minority political activists, are whining with a deafening roar. Pelosi, the crazy bat that she is, and Feinstein, crooked politician that she and her husband are, are finally getting exposed, co-incidentally at this same time. If California could free itself from the shoddy, crooked non-representative government that it has, this might not be such a hot topic. Frankly, I'm proud that the people have tried to stand up, once again, and tell the politicians, and the entertainment industry, whose state this really is..and to take their hype, and shove it!